Sunday 18 December 2011

It's not XMAS, you fool. It's CHRISTMAS!

Well, after an absence of almost 3 months with writer's block and 4 unfinished blogs, I'm back with a vengeance and I'm back with an agenda. As you can see from the title of this blog, there are no prizes for guessing where I'm going on this issue. I make no apologies for the title of this blog. In fact, it was Biblically inspired, but I'll get to that later.

The prompting to write this blog has come from reading online newspapers on a daily basis from South Africa, the United States and the United Kingdom. It neither saddens nor sickens me to read the references made in these papers to the Christmas season and all the festivities associated with this time of the year. It makes me outright indignant. This is NOT the Festive Season. It is NOT the 'Silly Season'. Neither is it Happy Holidays or any other title the media may ascribe to this time of year. It is Christmas. Always has been, and always will be. This is the time of year where millions of Christians around the world celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ, our Emanuel - God with us. It is the time of year when we celebrate God stepping out of eternity and into time, taking the form of a human being, coming to reconcile man to God and bring salvation to all.

I'm horrified by the number of newspaper articles and shopping advertisements I've seen all making reference to Merry Xmas or Xmas Shopping specials. The hypocrisy and bigotry displayed by the media is enough to make me want to rip what remaining strands of hair I have left on my head off in disgust. They have no problem printing pages of colour inserts or bold headlines on the front pages of their newspapers that wish their readers a Happy Diwali or Happy Eid Ul Fitr, yet at this time of year, the best they can do is Happy Holidays, Seasons Greetings, or if they go out on a limb - Merry Xmas. Jesus Christ is the reason for this season. I am not an Xian - I am a Christian. His name is not Jesus X - it is Jesus Christ. This is not Xmas - it is Christmas. Jesus was not just a person, He was God. The Bible tells us that He was the express image of the invisible God. Secular media and society contest the fact that He is the one true God and think that by removing 'Christ' from these titles, they can erase the reason for this celebration. It is the fool who says in his heart 'there is no God' (Pslam 14:1) - hence the title of my blog - and only a fool would dare contend with God. The day will come, when every knee of believer and unbeliever alike, will bow and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Dear Editor,

Try as you like to avoid saying or printing the 'Christ' word over Christmas, but the day will come when you'll confess it, and confess Him as Lord.


And on that note, may I take this opportunity to wish you and your families a wonderful and joyous Christmas. I really do pray and trust that Jesus will be the centre feature of all that you do, not a tree, not presents and certainly not the food. May the presence of God fill your homes and hearts and His hand of blessing be upon you all. May He make His face shine upon you, protect you and give you peace and rest over these holidays.


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